var _LANG = new Array();
_LANG["HEADER003"]="About Bigture";
_LANG["HEADER007"]="Log in";
_LANG["HEADER013"]="Service Info";
_LANG["ALARM002"]="read the ";
_LANG["ALARM004"]="Check out who left what comments!";
_LANG["ALARM005"]="Notification All";
_LANG["ALARM006"]="Alert me if there's a new Reaction Stickers on my artwork.";
_LANG["ALARM007"]="Notify me when new storybooks are updated";
_LANG["ALARM008"]="Notify me when an administrator posts a new announcement";
_LANG["ALARM009"]="Notify me when new general announcements are updated";
_LANG["FOOTER001"]="Terms of Service";
_LANG["FOOTER002"]="Privacy Policy";
_LANG["FOOTER003"]="Contact Us";
_LANG["FOOTER012"]="사업자 등록번호";
_LANG["FOOTER013"]="통신판매업 신고";
_LANG["FOOTER021"]="The Clockworks";
_LANG["FOOTER023"]="5F, 6, Teheran-ro 79-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea";
_LANG["MAIN001"]="Artworks Now";
_LANG["MAIN002"]="Bigture Book";
_LANG["MAIN003"]="Publish your wonderful artworks in the Bigture app as a book!
You can select your artworks from Bigture app and name a book title!
Now, enjoy not only creating artworks online but also
as an My Art Portfolio Book and keep it as a memory!";
_LANG["MAIN004"]="Publish Bigture Book";
_LANG["MAIN005"]="Drawing app service for little children";
_LANG["MAIN006"]="Bigture app is a unique service that can be created by collaborative efforts
between art experts and global friends.
It is where you can experience a wider world and develop your creativity
through artworks. Start Bigture now and find how online technology
can be heartwarming and inspiring for children.";
_LANG["MAIN007"]=" Google Play Download";
_LANG["MAIN008"]=" Apple Store Download";
_LANG["ARTWORKS001"]="friends left a Reaction Stickers";
_LANG["ARTWORKS002"]="Please select an Reaction Sticker ";
_LANG["ARTWORKS003"]="Please select an Reaction Sticker";
_LANG["ARTWORKS004"]="Expert Comments";
_LANG["ARTWORKS005"]="Enter your comment here";
_LANG["ARTWORKS006"]="Enter your comment here";
_LANG["ARTWORKS015"]="Reaction Sticker ";
_LANG["ARTWORKS018"]="Share on SNS";
_LANG["ARTWORKS020"]="Save to PC";
_LANG["ARTWORKS021"]="Edit Artwork ";
_LANG["ARTWORKS022"]="Delete Artwork";
_LANG["ARTWORKS023"]="Do you really want to delete? ";
_LANG["ARTWORKS024"]="You've already reported it.";
_LANG["ARTWORKS025"]="Your report has been received.";
_LANG["ARTWORKS026"]="View only me";
_LANG["ARTWORKS027"]="Public view";
_LANG["ARTWORKS030"]="No artists are registered.";
_LANG["ARTWORKS031"]="No storybook are registered.";
_LANG["ARTWORKS032"]="Cacel report";
_LANG["STORYBOOK001"]="Draw a picture in this story";
_LANG["MEMBER001"]="Write down an introduction.";
_LANG["MEMBER002"]="I have a warm heart";
_LANG["MEMBER003"]="I am inspiring";
_LANG["MEMBER004"]="I am creative";
_LANG["MEMBER005"]="I am expressive";
_LANG["MEMBER006"]="I am witty";
_LANG["MEMBER011"]="Modify Information";
_LANG["MEMBER012"]="Account Management";
_LANG["MEMBER015"]="Confirm Password";
_LANG["MEMBER016"]="Phone Number";
_LANG["MEMBER018"]="Find Address";
_LANG["MEMBER019"]="Birth Year";
_LANG["MEMBER024"]="Introduce Myself";
_LANG["MEMBER025"]="Agree to Receive
_LANG["MEMBER026"]="To Modify";
_LANG["MEMBER027"]="Membership information has been modified.";
_LANG["MEMBER028"]="Link Account";
_LANG["MEMBER030"]="Not connected";
_LANG["CONTACT002"]="The Clockworks, Inc.";
_LANG["CONTACT004"]="Please enter an email address where we can contact you later";
_LANG["CONTACT006"]="Tell us the subject of your message";
_LANG["CONTACT008"]="Enter what you like to ask about";
_LANG["CONTACT010"]="File attachment can be uploaded up to 10MB, and the format is only jpg, gif, zip, pdf available.";
_LANG["CONTACT011"]="Collection items: Email address";
_LANG["CONTACT012"]="Purpose of collection (use) of personal information:
Customer inquiry, consultation reply and service usage record inquiry
Retention period: Immediately discarded after a specified period
For more information, please refer to Bigture's Privacy Policy.";
_LANG["CONTACT013"]="I agree to the use of personal information";
_LANG["SEARCH001"]="Please enter a search term.";
_LANG["SEARCH002"]="Search results for ";
_LANG["SEARCH004"]="No search results.";
_LANG["ABOUT001"]="Co-creation and Joy with Global Friends and Experts";
_LANG["ABOUT002"]="Bigture app is a unique service that can be created by collaborative efforts between art experts and global friends.It is where you can experience a wider world and develop your creativity through artworks. Start Bigture now and find how online technology can be heartwarming and inspiring for children.";
_LANG["ABOUT003"]="“Big + Picture + Future”";
_LANG["ABOUT004"]=" You can all have different imaginations even if they look at the same object.-Wouldn't it be great if you could share this artistic imagination with your global friends? Bigture is where you can communicate and share thoughts and emotions with artworks. It is where you can cultivate unlimited creativity and the power to communicate with the world.";
_LANG["ABOUT005"]="Upload your artworks and show to the global friends! And you can
communicate with Empathetic Reaction Stickers.";
_LANG["ABOUT006"]="Reaction Stickers";
_LANG["ABOUT007"]="Communicating with global friends through artwork";
_LANG["ABOUT008"]="You wanna have your own art illustration book?
Now, in Bigture, an interesting story awaits your artwork.
Participate as an artist and create your own wonderful storybook.";
_LANG["ABOUT009"]="What are you thinking? Feel free to express your
cool thoughts in Bigture sketchbook.";
_LANG["ABOUT010"]="Drawing Tool";
_LANG["ABOUT011"]="Bigture's various kits are full!";
_LANG["ABOUT012"]="You can view all artwork archives. Yes, it's a gallery
space. Upload a variety of artworks to fill this space";
_LANG["ABOUT013"]="Bigture Statistical Index";
_LANG["ABOUT014"]="Find out my Personality Type";
_LANG["ABOUT015"]="Friends around the world";
_LANG["ABOUT016"]="Marking my Favorite Artists";
_LANG["BBS006"]="Let me introduce the artists who are active in the ‘Bigture’.";
_LANG["BBS007"]="Bigture Contest Winners and Artworks";
_LANG["BBS008"]="Bigture Activities";
_LANG["LOGIN001"]="Email ID Login";
_LANG["LOGIN002"]="Please enter your email ID";
_LANG["LOGIN003"]="Please enter your password.";
_LANG["LOGIN004"]="Stay signed in ";
_LANG["LOGIN005"]="Find Email ID / Password";
_LANG["LOGIN007"]="Sign in with a other account";
_LANG["LOGIN008"]="Sign up";
_LANG["LOGIN009"]="Find Email ID";
_LANG["LOGIN010"]="If you don't remember your email ID, please call or email us below.";
_LANG["LOGIN011"]="Phone No.";
_LANG["LOGIN013"]="Find Password";
_LANG["LOGIN014"]="비밀번호를 잊어버리셨나요? 새 비밀번호를 설정하기 위해 사용중인 이메일 아이디를 입력해주세요.";
_LANG["LOGIN015"]="Email ID";
_LANG["LOGIN016"]="New Password";
_LANG["LOGIN019"]="Enter your Email address to use as ID";
_LANG["LOGIN020"]="Please create a Password within at least 6 Characters or Numbers.";
_LANG["LOGIN021"]="Please enter your Password again to confirm";
_LANG["JOIN002"]="Sign up";
_LANG["JOIN004"]="Terms of Service";
_LANG["JOIN005"]="I agree ";
_LANG["JOIN006"]="Privacy Policy ";
_LANG["JOIN007"]="I agree ";
_LANG["JOIN009"]="Email ID";
_LANG["JOIN011"]="Confirm Password";
_LANG["JOIN013"]="Birth year";
_LANG["JOIN014"]="Enter your Email address to use as ID";
_LANG["JOIN015"]="Please create a Password within at least 6 Characters or Numbers.";
_LANG["JOIN016"]="Please enter your Password again to confirm";
_LANG["JOIN017"]="Please enter the Name or Nickname to use";
_LANG["JOIN018"]="Welcome to Bigture!
Please Check the verification Email";
_LANG["JOIN019"]="Please OPEN the Email sent from Bigture at ( and CLICK the Email Verification Button to completed all the steps in the sign-up process.
If the verification email has not been received, please CLICK the button 'Resend verification email' below to receive the email again.";
_LANG["JOIN020"]="Resend verification email";
_LANG["JOIN022"]="The verification mail is only valid for 24 hours from the time of sending.";
_LANG["JOIN023"]="When resending the verification email, the existing verification email code will expire, so please be sure to confirm the verification with the last email received.";
_LANG["JOIN024"]="If you did not receive an email from us to verify your address, check your spam or junk mail folder.";
_LANG["JOIN025"]="Delete your account ";
_LANG["JOIN026"]="We’re sorry to hear you want to delete your account.
Please read the following information carefully before you delete your account.";
_LANG["JOIN027"]="Deleting your account ";
_LANG["JOIN028"]="All your information will be permanently deleted and no information can be retrieved.";
Information ";
_LANG["JOIN030"]="All personal information such as e-mail ID, essential information of nickname and gender, year of birth, job, place of residence, introduction, all personal information and inquiries, etc";
_LANG["JOIN032"]="All posts published on Artworks and all activity including stickers and comments";
_LANG["JOIN034"]="Storybook and all artwork, stickers, and comments that participated in the storybook";
_LANG["JOIN036"]="All artwork temporarily stored in the sketchbook";
_LANG["JOIN038"]="All payment information, purchase history, order delivery and exchange, return history, and inquiries in the store menu";
_LANG["JOIN039"]="After the deleting your Bigture account is completed. personal data cannot be recovered.";
_LANG["JOIN040"]="Why you are deleting your account?";
_LANG["JOIN042"]="Change your ID or rejoin";
_LANG["JOIN043"]="No more use of the service";
_LANG["JOIN044"]="Personal concerns";
_LANG["JOIN045"]="Other reasons ";
_LANG["JOIN046"]="Please tell us";
_LANG["JOIN049"]="If you are no longer interested in using Bigture and like to delete your account, enter your Email ID and Password.";
_LANG["JOIN050"]="Please enter your email ID";
_LANG["JOIN051"]="Please enter your password.";
_LANG["ETC001"]="Forgot your password? Please enter the email ID you used to set a new password";
_LANG["ETC002"]="I have read all the instructions and agree to this";
_LANG["ETC003"]="No information found";
_LANG["ETC004"]="Please check your network connection";
_LANG["ETC005"]="Please log in first";
_LANG["ETC006"]="The report has been canceled";
_LANG["ETC007"]="Report has been received";
_LANG["ETC008"]="Please write your review ";
_LANG["ETC009"]="The URL has been copied to the clipboard";
_LANG["ETC010"]="Start downloading the file";
_LANG["ETC011"]="File download is complete";
_LANG["ETC012"]="Thank you for your valuable comments";
_LANG["ETC013"]="You've already reviewed.";
_LANG["ETC014"]="Interested content has been turned off";
_LANG["ETC015"]="Interested content has been registered";
_LANG["ETC016"]="Your inquiry has been received";
_LANG["ETC017"]="Please write other reasons";
_LANG["ETC018"]="Your account has been deleted at your request. We hope to see you again. ";
_LANG["ETC019"]="Your new password does not match";
_LANG["ETC020"]="Your information has been updated successfully ";
_LANG["ETC021"]="Passwords do not match";
_LANG["ETC022"]="Please agree to the terms and conditions";
_LANG["ETC023"]="Please agree to the Privacy Policy";
_LANG["ETC024"]="Please enter a password of at least 6 characters";
_LANG["ETC025"]="Invalid login ID or password, please try again";
_LANG["ETC026"]="Press once again to close the app";
_LANG["ETC027"]="No notifications";
_LANG["ETC028"]="There are no expert reviews";
_LANG["ETC029"]="Please enter a title";
_LANG["ETC030"]="Please enter the description";
_LANG["ETC031"]="Authentication must be completed to change the password
Click the button bellow and complete authentication to change password
_LANG["ETC031A"]="Authenticate to change password";
_LANG["ETC031B"]="The email for outgoing cannot be received";
_LANG["ETC032"]="To change password, please complete the authentication sent by email";
_LANG["ETC033"]="Please complete the authentication with the changed password sent by e-mail";
_LANG["ETC034"]="Please check your information again";
_LANG["ETC035"]="This email is already in use";
_LANG["ETC036"]="This nickname is already in use";
_LANG["ETC037"]="If you want to delete your account, please click here";
_LANG["ETC037A"]="If you want to delete your account, please click here";
_LANG["ETC038"]="ID or Passwords do not match";
_LANG["ETC039"]="Please complete email verification.";
_LANG["ETC040"]="You must complete authentication to use the Bigture service.
Click the Next button to complete Bigture email verification.
_LANG["ETC040A"]="Verify your email";
_LANG["ETC040B"]="The email for outgoing cannot be received";
_LANG["ETC041"]="Email verification is complete";
_LANG["ETC042"]="Password change is complete";
_LANG["ETC043"]="Either the information has already been authenticated, or the request is invalid.";
_LANG["ETC044"]="Your picture was reported. (";